Farewell, December! | December 2023

This December has certainly seemed to fly by. It was a month full of busyness and many emotions, just like all of 2023 has been. I wouldn’t say the year has been a bad one, though it has had its struggles and losses. But I am grateful to have had another year and am looking forward to the next!

Making time to write.

December has not resulted in huge jumps of writing progress, but I’m close to my goal for the month and I am happy with that. It means I stuck to my plan of setting aside time and trying to make the most of writing moments!


I really enjoyed doing Vlogmas this year! You can find the recaps here and here.


This was one of those years where sometimes it was difficult to feel very Christmas-y. It’s my favorite holiday and I love all the festive things, so years where the Christmasy mood is a challenge is weird. That said, I was able to spend lots of time with family this month, and had a really lovely Christmas Day.


I always start December with a list of all the Christmas things I want to read, and usually end up reading much less than expected. While there are still a few titles left to finish up, or that I simply didn’t get to, I did read a lot this month. I even did something I hadn’t before—taking my book to a local coffeeshop and reading there for a little while!

(I’m also nearly finished with the audiobook of Little Women, which I have read multiple times but never at Christmas, and it is a nice cozy read for the holidays.)

Reviewing the year and making plans.

This past week, especially, has involved a lot of reviewing and thinking and planning and wondering. I have several things I need or want to do in 2024, but change is often a scary thing for me, so the idea of it is daunting. But I’m also excited about looking for new opportunities and adventures!
