Christmastime Is Here | Blogmas Part One

This year on Instagram, I’m doing Vlogmas through Reels. (My goal is three Vlogmas Reels a week, but so far I’ve had a lot of fun posting every day!) Mostly, it’s just a few words to recap the mood or some of the events of the day, for something cozy to look back on, and a way to remember to enjoy the little happenings of the days leading up to Christmas too. And I thought it would be fun to share a weekly recap here on the blog!

The Reel captions are below, along with links to the Reels themselves if you want to check them out. 

Rainy and cold | finishing a WIP chapter  | watching Christmas episodes of The Office | wearing a Santa hat

decorating | dinner with my parents and grandparents | fairy lights | writing | floofy friends
decorating | open windows because of warm weather | Christmas hymns at church | watching a movie | reminiscing other Christmases | planning for the week

December 4

more decorating | reading | cozy Christmas ambient videos | IG content day | baking shows

December 5

reading | journaling | watching YouTube | Christmas music on the drive home from work | countdown calendars | content planning 

December 6

cloudy skies | finishing a chapter in my WIP | visiting with my grandparents | candy cane lane tea | Christmas music | Christmas candles

December 7

spending the day with my grandmother | nostalgic Christmas decorations | fuzzy socks | sunshine | finishing a library book


Are you participating in Blogmas or Vlogmas?
