Goodbye, September! | September 2021

Autumn is heeeeere! (I may be a just a little excited about that...)

September was quite the busy month, with work and life stuff, but it’s been a pretty good month!

Revision progress.

I’ve almost finished implementing a new plot thread for The Treasonist’s Son, and I’m hoping to get through the remaining scenes by the end of October!


The Whatsoever Cafe | The Windward King Cover Reveal

Hobbit Day!

This year, the day was cool and rainy, so I turned on a Middle-earth inspired ambience video and baked lembas bread for the first time! I also had an indoor hobbit-inspired picnic of lembas and peppermint tea while listening/reading along with the “Roast Mutton” chapter of the The Hobbit. It was lovely!

My sister’s wedding!

I was the maid of honor in my sister’s wedding, and honestly it’s kind of weird to think about how all my siblings are married now...

All the fall things!

Spending some time outside on cool, foggy mornings. Decorating. Wearing cozy sweaters. Watching all my favorite fall movies (and I even started watching Gilmore Girls).

How was your September? Did you celebrate Hobbit Day? Do you have any fall baking plans?
