The Whatsoever Cafe | May 2022


What is the Whatsoever Cafe?

A once-monthly blog post meet up here at Lovely Whatsoevers where we can gather in the comments and talk about writing victories and struggles, what’s inspiring us, and to just have fun talking about the writing life! The virtual doors will open on the second Saturday of each month, but you can join any time of the month!

So find a seat at the virtual tables, grab your favorite (real or virtual) cozy drink, and let’s chat!

on the cafe radio: “bookstore cafe ambience” by coffee shop vibes
What you’re working on:
Rewriting a long scene in The Treasonist’s Son and working on a couple flash fiction pieces.

A writing victory:
One scene was full of high emotions and tension, and I wrote most of it in under two hours, which is pretty fast for me.

A writing struggle:
This week has not been a great “focus” week, which isn’t ideal...

What’s inspiring you:
This month it’s Pinterest and watching a lot of TV and thinking of stories in a visual sense.

A goal for the month:

Finish at least two more fairly long chapters and one flash fiction piece.

Let’s chat! Feel free to answer all of the questions or just a few. I can’t wait to hear how you’re writing is going this month!
..:: The Whatsoever Cafe Questions ::..
What you’re working on:
A writing victory:
A writing struggle:
What’s inspiring you:
A goal for the month:

