Goodbye, November! | November 2021


We’re at the end of November! It was a busy month, and a good one, full of slow autumn days and cozy moments—and all the words!


I made it to 50K earlier than expected, and I’m hoping to finish up the draft of my NaNo book by the end of this week. 

Writing Retreat!

I took my first ever writing retreat this month! I rented a tiny house and ended up writing about 7,000 words while I was there. I also got some reading done, and watched some Christmas movies and baking shows. Overall, a very nice retreat!

The Whatsoever Cafe | Know the Novel


I wasn’t really able to gather with my mom’s family for an early Thanksgiving dinner since I had to work, but my parents and I took a day trip to spend some time with my dad’s family on Thanksgiving Day, which was fun.

Reading and baking.

I finished reading The Lord of the Rings, which was the first time reading the books since 2016, I think? I went with the audiobooks read by Andy Serkis and they were so much fun to listen to! I also started a reread of The Scorpio Races, and made November Cakes.

Decorating for Christmas!

Usually, decorating for Christmas doesn’t happen in my house until December. I love fall, but I always look forward to Christmas lights and decorations. It was fun to be able to put the tree up a little earlier than usual this year too!


How was your November? Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? Are you looking forward to December? 
