Snippets | July 2021

July has been a purposefully slower writing month, but it’s been nice to be able to write without pressuring myself to write huge blocks of words at a time, or even to write every day, and I’m nearing the end of the month feeling a little more inspired and creative than when I began it, so I think this experiment was pretty successful! I chased some plot bunnies, and worked a little on scenes in The Treasonist’s Son, so I do have a handful of snippets to share this month.

    He should have told her everything.

    She gave her satchel one last check—paper, her favorite pen, ink—and slipped quietly across the foot bridge that crossed over the low creek. The water babbled quietly over the rocks, and a glance down revealed the white shine of pale moonlight through the breaks in the thick canopy overhead.

    “What kind of answer do you want me to give, Kat?”
    “An honest one.”
    “You’re going to start a scandal one of these days, and no one is going to be able to get you out of it.”
