Goodbye, July! | July 2021


Another month of summer has passed, and it has been just as busy as the rest of this year, with lots of happenings. It’s been a productive month in a lot of ways, so I’m pleased with progress I’ve made in a few different life areas.

Camp NaNo!

I had a goal of 10,000 words for whatever writing project(s) I wanted to work on, and I ended up meeting that word count and chasing a few plot bunnies, and overall am ending the month feeling pretty inspired for writerly things. 


 #AbouttheAuthorAugust Returns! | Snippets 

Nephew Three was born!
He is little and adorable and I love him and am already plotting ways to be the favorite aunt. XD 

The Loki finale.

I have so many thoughts and questions and I already miss this show. Can we have season two now? XD 

Little summer adventures.

Surprise birthday parties for family members, baking, photoshoots with family, a surprise picnic, and general visiting made for a lovely month of little adventures.

How’s your summer going?
