2018 Summer Reading Recap

Now that autumn has officially arrived, it’s time to reevaluate those summer reading lists! Overall, I think mine was a success, though a few titles remain unread this year...
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares
STATUS: Completed!
As planned, I revisited the first four books in this series

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
STATUS: In progress.
I like this one, but progress is slow because each story takes me a while to read, and there aren’t many good places to pause, so I have to read the whole thing at once or forget what’s happened. Oops.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
STATUS: Incomplete.
I didn’t even start this one.

Rulers & Mages by Daley Downing
STATUS: Completed!
I read this one, along with the third book in the series.

This Is What Happy Looks Like and Happy Again by Jennifer E. Smith
STATUS: Completed!
More summery books!

Beaumont &Beasley series by Kyle Robert Shultz
STATUS: Completed!
I reread the first three books in the series, which were the original ones I had on the reading list, and also finished some of the side stories, two of the newer novellas, and the spinoff book, Horseman.

Crowning Heaven by Emily Hayse
STATUS: Completed!
A nice break from more summery book settings.

Saving Beauty by Elizabeth D. Marie
STATUS: Completed!
I also read the second and third books in this series.

Sentinel by Jamie Foley
STATUS: Completed!
I read Sentinel and a companion novella, but I haven’t started the rest of the series yet.

Everywhere You Want to Be by Christina June
STATUS: Incomplete.
As with Gatsby, I didn’t start this one. (I still need to get a copy of it, actually...)

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
STATUS: Incomplete.
As much as I talk about these books, I honestly thought I would have gotten this series checked off the list again. Oops. (There’s always fall and winter reading lists, right?)
How did your summer reading go? Find any new favorites? Revisit old ones? Tell me about them in the comments!
