Spring Again | March 2018

Spring is here! Though, by looking at most of the weather this month, it sure doesn’t seem like it. (SNOW IN MARCH?!) This month was full of new goals and challenges, writing progress, and fun little adventures.
Camp NaNo prep. Of a sort.
For April’s Camp session, I’ll be attempting the second draft of this 2016 WIP and I am super excited about returning to this project. Except...I got so caught up in TAD2 that I forgot to reread the first draft of Roguess (which is currently retitled as Unto Ash). O_O  That being said, I did move some notes into Scrivener so I could attempt to organize them there, and have been working on some of the new characters and worldbuilding things the second draft will introduce.

Oh, and speaking of Scrivener, I finally got around to buying it (thank you NaNo discount!).

And of course: TAD2!
A lot of this month’s focus was moving scenes around and restructuring a few plot points. Some new material was written and some old material was updated, so it’s coming along. This past week saw about 6,000-7,000 words of new material being added in, so progress is being made. I promise.

On a note somewhat related to writing but not really: this song. The first time I listened to it I couldn’t help thinking how perfectly Edellion it is, and basically it’s been on repeat a few times over the last week while writing some scenes...
Lovely Whatsoevers had a birthday! I’m also working on some spring cleaning for LW and hoping to finish that up in April some time. (So if things look a little weird every now and then, they should be back to normal soon!)


This was a great list regarding critique partners and what writers can learn from each other when sharing their work!

A fantastic list for how to find beta readers, what to ask them, and how to approach feedback.

Social media is a tricky place to navigate, especially when trying to build a platform or attempting to market. This list is a great overview of major social networks and what they can work best for.

A beautiful and encouraging post for writers and creatives, no matter what stage of the writing process!
Day trip to Cades Cove.
My mom, sister, and I took an afternoon trip to Cades Cove one Sunday afternoon. Despite being a chilly day, it was sunny and the daffodils and violets were in bloom!

A journal challenge.
Last year, I set a goal to write in my journal every day for a week. This year, one of my goals is to fill a new journal. On March 1st, I filled the last page in my old journal and began writing in one that I was given for Christmas. I missed a few days, but there was a period of thirteen consecutive days with journal entries, which is new record for me. ^_^  Making time to just sit down for a few minutes and scribble some thoughts was fun!

Started a new workout plan.
I set up a plan mixing one of my favorite cardio workouts, some stretch routines for flexibility, and some workout challenges for toning muscles. Out of twenty-two potential workout days, I completed twenty-one! I will probably try a similar routine in April. If you have any favorite workouts, I’d be interested in hearing about them!

Replaced my Kindle...
I’ve had it for six years so it was inevitable at some point, and Fitz decided the inevitable point was earlier this month, apparently. His replacement is named Ernst, who I am quickly growing fond of (even if I do miss some of the features of his predecessor).
How was your March? Are you participating in Camp NaNo next month? Any blog posts you’d like to suggest for LW? Let’s chat in the comments! Have a wonderful Easter!
