Fireworks & Starlight | July 2016

* Participated in Camp NaNo's second 2016 session.
The goal was much smaller than usual (10,000 words), but I'm not going to make it by midnight. (I mean, I could try, but I am also very tired and would like to sleep…)  :)

I was working on Roguess, which is one of those stories that is being more difficult than I expected it would. I've been writing most of the scenes out of order, and it's been fun, but I don't think this will be the quick first draft I expected it to be. So, progress on that will continue through August probably.

* Got a haircut.
Nothing super different than usual, although I decided to try out side-swept bangs since I haven't in a long time. I like them.

New haircut!

* Made some progress on my weight loss goals.
It's small progress but I'm okay with that.

* Sent The Assassin's Daughter to beta readers!
I think I've only opened the document once since I sent it, and I haven't let myself change anything. It's tough, but it's also kind of nice having the break.

* Joined Wattpad.
My sister and sister-in-law finally convinced me to join. I haven't posted anything, but if you're on the site and have any reading recommendations, let me know!

* Met my reading goal for the year.
I wasn't expecting to reach it so early (the year started out as a slow reading year). I've read several great books this year though.

It has been terribly hot here, but the scenery has been stunning.

* Started research for this year's NaNoWriMo novel.
This idea has been in my head for...almost two years? I've been researching the nineteenth century all month, especially the medical stuff, which has proven to be an interesting excursion. Slightly terrifying, but always fascinating.

And on that note—I am so excited to start writing this novel. For now, I'm classifying it historical scifi, and plan to post more about it as November gets closer.

Tell me about your July! Did you participate in Camp NaNo? Read any good books? Have any adventures?


  1. Oooh, I like your bangs! :D Also, congrats on meeting your reading goal! And you still have a long ways yet to keep reading. Keep it up. :)


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